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VBA添加新标注样式并定义该标注样式的属性 2011年12月10日 来源: ''ad_AddDimStyle''This routine demonstrates how to add a new dimension style and define'its various properties. We'll work on documenting all the system'variables in the near future. It was developed in AutoCAD 2000.'Demand load:-vbarun;ad_AddDimStyle.dvb!ad_AddDimStyle;''version 1.00'9/14/2000''Copyright?000 ActiveDwg.com''This routine is provided for demonstration purposes only and must'not be used for critical applications without your verification'that this routine will perform as you intended.'This routine may be freely utilized for your own personal use so long'as the entire contents of this header remain intact.'This routine is provided "as-is" and no declaration, written or implied,'is made as to its reliability for any particular task. Any use of this'routine is solely at your own risk.'Option ExplicitSub adAddDimStyle()Dim adDimStyle As AcadDimStyleSet adDimStyle = ThisDrawing.DimStyles.Add("adDimStyle")ThisDrawing.ActiveDimStyle = adDimStyleWith ThisDrawing'The first group defines overall and linear scale factors.SetVariable "DimScale", 96'Overall Scale Factor. Determined by 12/Scale Factor.'96 is for 1/8"=1'-0" so that 12/.125=96..SetVariable "DimLFac", 1'Linear Scale Factor. '1'=1:1, '2'=2:1,'.5'=1:2, etc'This group defines the typical dimension properties.SetVariable "DimADec", 2'Precision places for angular dimensions. May be 0-8..SetVariable "DimAso", 1 'Dimensional associativity. 0=off, 1=on. 0 'explodes' dimensions.'DimAso is stored by drawing, not by style..SetVariable "DimASz", 0.09375 'Arrowhead size for dimensions and leaders..SetVariable "DimAtFit", 1 'Defines placement of arrowheads and text if insufficient space for both.'0=both outside, 1=force arrows outside, 2=force text outside, 3=best fit..SetVariable "DimAUnit", 0 'Units for angular dimensions.'0=decimal degrees, 1=degrees/minutes/seconds, 2=gradians, 3=radians.SetVariable "DimAZin", 0'Zero suppression for angular dimensions.'0=display all leading and trailing zeros, 1=suppress leading zeros,'2=suppress trailing zeros, 3=suppress leading and trailing zeros.SetVariable "DimBlk", ""'Defines typical arrow type. ' "" '=Closed-Filled, '.'=none.'Others are:'_ArchTick', '_BoxBlank', '_BoxFilled', '_Closed', '_ClosedBlank',''_DatumBlank', '_DatumFilled', '_Dot', '_DotSmall', '_DotBlank', '_Integral',''_None', '_Oblique', '_Origin', '_Origin2', '_Open', '_Open90', '_Open30', '_Small'..SetVariable "DimBlk1", "" 'Defines 1st arrow type if 'DimSAH is '1'. See 'DimBlk' for type list..SetVariable "DimBlk2", "" 'Defines 1st arrow type if 'DimSAH is '2'. See 'DimBlk' for type list..SetVariable "DimCen", 0.09375 'Defines circle and arc center marks and lines. Show as mark size.'0=No marks, <0=centerlines are drawn, >0=centermarks are drawn..SetVariable "DimClrD", 256'Color for dimlines, arrows, and leaders. 0=ByBlock, 256 = ByLayer, 1-255=color..SetVariable "DimClrE", 256'Color for dimension extension lines. 0=ByBlock, 256 = ByLayer, 1-255=color..SetVariable "DimClrT", 256'Color for dimension text. 0=ByBlock, 256 = ByLayer, 1-255=color..SetVariable "DimDec", 4 'Decimal precision for normal dimensions..SetVariable "DimDLE", 0 'For oblique marks in place of arrows: Distance dimlines extend beyond extension lines..SetVariable "DimDLI", 0.3125'Offset distance between dimension line rows..SetVariable "DimDSep", "."'Decimal separator for decimal format dimensions..SetVariable "DimExe", 0.0625'Extension distance of extension lines beyond dimension lines..SetVariable "DimExO", 0.0625'Offset distance from dimension origin to extension line..SetVariable "DimFrac", 0'Fraction format in fractional dimensions. 0=Horizontal, 1=diagonal, 2=not stacked..SetVariable "DimGap", 0.015625 'Gap between dimlines and dimensio










